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エッグステラ   Rare Ex
祝祭に用いられるサンドリア様式の卵菓子。 調度品の一種。
情報 [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
コメント (2)
Phoenix.Serra[Report] スコア: 1
What the previous poster stated is untrue.

This is obtained by trading the first 5 letters of a region currently in the nation's control to the event Moogle. However, you do not need all the disassembled egg buffet items, ONLY those that can be given by the select nation (i.e. San d'Oria, egg stool/lantern.)
2012-04-03 12:33:46
Siren.Chiaral[Report] スコア: 0
Just got this and saw this needs more accurate instructions. The item will not be obtained until you have 3 items: the nation's specific musical egg, the nation's specific buffet part, and the egg lantern. I used san'doria regions for this, and the order in which I obtained the items was Egg Stool > Melodious Egg > Egg Lantern > Prinseggstarta.
2013-03-23 12:36:01
スクリーンショット (2)