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防16 MP+50 MND+8 ケアル詠唱時間-8%
LV 99 白 黒 赤 詩 召 青 か 学 GEO
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コメント (4)
Ragnarok.Midgetking[Report] スコア: 7
Got it from the new wildskeeper reive in Yorcia Weald
2013-07-12 18:05:17
Bahamut.Lyncath[Report] スコア: -4
If you can cap Cure Potency % outside of Orison or Tempered Cape then this is fantastic for all jobs that can use it.
2013-07-15 13:52:50
Asura.Voevode[Report] スコア: -4
If using precast set, your cure casting time will be capped in other slots. MND on it is nice for potency enfeebles on rdm, I believe it's pretty high up there as far as MND back pieces goes. Other than that, the 8 mnd on this is equal to the 4 healing skill on tempered cape if you can't find tempered cape on your server and can cap potency elsewhere. Downgrade sidegrade for cures, better for curagas!
2013-07-15 21:19:36
Lakshmi.Mahoro[Report] スコア: -5
Decent sidegrade cape, but its effects can be simulated with FC/Cure cast down in other slots and by Refraction Cape for the MND +8.
2013-07-24 14:09:42
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