Spawn 2h after death. J-7, I-9, K-9, J-9 or H-10
Solo with cor and Quickdraw on ~40 minutes.
Droprate ~14%
have obtain 6 woolly Pelage from 43!!! Flockbock kills.
Have fun and good luck
drops from the NM called "Flockbock" going from personal experance, hes no joke he hits like a truck to a pld, uses a stone breath attach that is a cone shaped stone. This move will reset hate, and is the hardest part of the fight.
Party set up was whm pld monk dnc thf and blue, we wiped at 50% due to everyone being stoned. Good luck its a fun fight.
I saw this NM up and decided to attack, little did I know I was in for one hell of a fight. Solo/Duo by 99DNC/NIN and 95 DRG/WHM. First Petra Breath landed, hate reset and killed my DRG friend very quickly. Petra lasts for nearly 2 minutes or more each time. Petra Breath can be stunned however he spams it so much Violent flourish was not ready to be used again. Hit me for 250+ each time. Dropped several times to where one more hit would kill me however Petra would wear just in time. Got very very lucky. Fan Dance and Thokcha eva knife and SH definately saved my life. Hella hard solo.