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シファヒジパンツ   Rare Ex
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防106 HP+43 MP+69 STR+25 VIT+12 AGI+17 INT+34 MND+24 CHR+19 回避+27 魔回避+107 魔防+6 ヘイスト+5% 敵対心-8 ケアル回復量+10% ケアル詠唱時間-10% ケアル回復量の4%をMPに変換
LV 99 白
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コメント (4)
Phoenix.Peeroturo[Report] スコア: 11
Orison pantaloon +2 :
- Adv :
--> Better cure cast- (-12% vs -10%)
--> Better MP recovery (5% vs 4%)
But Sifahir Slack :
- Advantages :
--> Def+106(vs41) / MDB+6 / MEva+107 / Eva+27, which help to stay alive if hate mess up
--> Enmity-8, which can be really good in an enmity- cure set(against NMs which reset hates, for exemple)
--> MND+24 is really good, (and other stats+ is not bad anyway)

So, Orison pantaloon +2 is better for curespam situations, when DDs won't loose hate easily.
And Sifahir Slack is mostly good against NM which has hard hate control(cause of defensives stats boost, and enmity-, and you still don't loose too much mps thanks to the MP recovery 4%).
Any better idea ?
2014-05-16 14:35:16
Cerberus.Avalon[Report] スコア: 9
And yet, version update after version update, Orison Pantaloons+2 still retains its place as the best WHM pants.

That said, these would definitely have a place in a macro set, and would be useful, but they don't replace Orison.
2014-05-15 08:52:25
Ragnarok.Luloo[Report] スコア: 1
I find these awsome. I can understand the 1%more on mp recover, but who basically cares in nowadays events where you have always a brd to ballad you? Its a gain in MND and a huge help to fit in theophany hands+1 on single target cure macros for not precasting whms.
2014-05-16 03:02:01
Cerberus.Arceo[Report] スコア: -2
These are pretty cool for whm/nin messing around of course
2014-06-19 15:11:54
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