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[Feet] All Races
防70 HP+13 STR+10 DEX+22 VIT+10 AGI+37 MND+10 CHR+28 命中+7 飛命+7 回避+72 魔命+7 魔回避+69 魔防+5 ヘイスト+4% 二刀流+4 コンサーブMP+6
LV 99 モ 赤 シ 獣 狩 忍 竜 青 コ か 踊 RUN
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コメント (5)
Cerberus.Tidis[Report] スコア: 11
You can...change gear to cast utsusemi.
2015-02-20 22:47:37
Odin.Calipso[Report] スコア: 6
For aspiring thfs..
Snowslit : Acc or Att, or both. Can go as high as 22, possibly higher.
Leafslit: TA or DW.
Duskslit: Crit Dmg/WSD.
Dusktip: STR/DEX.
* All of these stones have other augments, but these are the main thf relevant ones.
2015-02-25 02:27:29
Lakshmi.Kyosukerob[Report] スコア: 6
As mentioned by Tidis you should be using this in a TP set. Things like Utsusemi can have a separate set designed for cast time down and empy feet (or precast with fast cast then swapping to empy feet). As Selindrile mentioned in situations where you're receiving marches and Haste I/II, etc you're going to want to watch your DW. Pushing combined attack speed reduction beyond 80% with more DW will yield no benefit, merely a loss of TP/hit. Check out BG's Attack Speed page for more information.

The real point of my post is to lay it on MR Wet Blanket over here. @Sieha, stop posting nonsense of which you are ignorant to. Asking where items are from on numerous pages without researching is lazy. Belittling other players for not having idle sets while you don't seem to even use gearswap or equipsets (if you're worrying about fulltiming this is hypocritical). Either do your research or start lurking more and leave the informative posts to the informed.
2015-02-25 09:35:19
Fenrir.Selindrile[Report] スコア: 3
Also, Nin hasn't needed DW gear to cap Delay, at least in high haste situations (like say, trust) in a long time.
2015-02-23 05:17:09
Siren.Sieha 表示 スコア: -34
if you use these, you dont get the extra shadow from emp feet. probably not good depending on the situation.
2015-02-20 13:42:42
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