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スチームジャケット   1D
水の属性を秘めたオートマトンのアタッチメント。 直前に受けたダメージと同じ属性のダメージを 軽減する。
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情報 [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
在庫 0
1D価格 300,000 (300,000 per)
落札率 Slow (0.398 件/日)
中央 20,000
上限 50,000
下限 10,000
平均 23,700
ラスト 30,000
7 Days 前30,000
9 Days 前30,000
12 Days 前30,000
15 Days 前30,000
GilPrice History1/221/282/132/233/60k5k10k15k20k25k30k35kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
取引履歴 (25)
Mar. 19, 2025OveripetomatoAjadant30,000
Mar. 17, 2025EgsgsngsCorinnemaria30,000
Mar. 13, 2025LovogavoaTarunus30,000
Mar. 11, 2025OkosoZekishaw30,000
Mar. 6, 2025BarkeepDergul30,000
Mar. 6, 2025BlueingotLyrabelle30,000
Mar. 3, 2025CastorfrPont30,000
Mar. 1, 2025DionesYinzi30,000
Feb. 28, 2025SeigfriedfinalOmgleto30,000
Feb. 23, 2025TarutarugkVeelers30,000
コメント (3)
Garuda.Midnightmemory[Report] スコア: 15
Defense increases right after The puppet takes damage if it's of the same type if a water maneuver is present.

Defence seems to increase based on type of physical damage and magical damage tested on colibri where melee attack was doing 70ish dmg and with water manuevers present the colibri was only doing 30ish dmg.

With a Flan Fire III did about 500 dmg to the automaton and then a second fire III with steam jacket activated during the first one did about 300 dmg.

Rate seems to be 30% Redux with 1 maneuver.
35% with 2.
40% with 3.

The Steam jacket will reset if you overload or no water maneuvers are present.

The steam jacket seems very little effected by Overdrive if at all.
2008-06-13 09:39:40
Bahamut.Kindadarii[Report] スコア: 11
Both this and the Coiler drop off Ob, a new NM in the 6/9/08 Update.
2008-06-11 08:46:19
Odin.Ringthree[Report] スコア: 0
NPC: Base 519
2010-01-02 08:42:56
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