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水の属性を秘めたオートマトンのアタッチメント。 ウォータマニューバの効果をひとつ消して、 オーバーロードを防ぐことがある。
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情報 [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
在庫 1
1D価格 0 (0 per)
落札率 Slow (0.305 件/日)
中央 50,000
上限 60,000
下限 40,000
平均 52,380
ラスト 50,000
6 Days 前50,000
6 Days 前60,000
7 Days 前50,000
9 Days 前50,000
GilPrice History1/31/141/292/173/130k10k20k30k40k50k60k70kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
取引履歴 (25)
Mar. 20, 2025TenpuraudonRianor50,000
Mar. 19, 2025AlliesTjonke60,000
Mar. 19, 2025GurknAjadant50,000
Mar. 17, 2025TsugugajzeDergul50,000
Mar. 13, 2025HakuzanTakohai60,000
Mar. 6, 2025BluebelllLyrabelle60,000
Feb. 24, 2025HniTarunus60,000
Feb. 20, 2025NeekoneTobimarun60,000
Feb. 20, 2025VilaraSumtaka60,000
Feb. 17, 2025CobainkurtJagumi60,000
コメント (4)
Titan.Harpie[Report] スコア: 14
May erase a Water Maneuver effect to prevent an overload.
2007-10-11 15:59:23
Garuda.Midnightmemory[Report] スコア: 5
Stacks with heatsink to pile on alot of fire maneuvers.

Also great to have for whm setup with all those light maneuvers.
2008-02-28 22:05:33
Seraph.Cobyn[Report] スコア: 5
this lets you spam ice manuavers like no 2maro on the spiritreaver frame. Usually do
Ice > water > ice > ice > (water if wears off)
u can keep 2 ice manuevers up at all times even with ice maker.
2009-05-08 16:00:15
Ragnarok.Marquiss[Report] スコア: 0
Speedloader + condenser + heatsink + amplifier1/2 + icemaker with a mythic will have you self SC with a BLM puppet, and solo MB for 90k+ on sortie acuex without overload. Max damage if well geared.
2024-09-29 08:41:59
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