Trade a Chococard (F) and (M) along with a VCS Honeymoon Ticket (3500 gil, purchased from Finbarr) to the little boy at the chocobo stables in Upper Jeuno to receive an egg the next day.
Depending on the purchased Honeymoon Plan the chick can inherit an ability from the chosen parent.
Check out Arael's Chocobo Raising Guide on the wiki for more information!
LadyJade (Green female):
Strength: First Class
Endurance: Outstanding
Discernment: Average
Receptivity: Average
Abilities: Gallop&Canter
(stats capped)
Looking for a Chococard (M). PM me on here, or hit me up in game. Black Preferably. I have a couple Chococard (F) available for possible trade if you'd like. That choco is also Black. Treasure Finder Ability.