The epitome of PUP throwing technology, long were these people laughed at for having respectable throwing skill with poor options but now they have this! Surpassing their previous optimal choice of Aureole with an astounding 5 ACCURACY AND 5 RANGED ACCURACY we now have a hybrid epitomizing both abilities and functions this job can perform....
But where's the puppet?
He was traded in for 24,000 Researcher Marks from Batailia Downs after a Grannus Clear.
I'd rather have the 192 delay on Aureole over this, what do you care about the 5 ranged accuracy? "OMG, I have to hit that 24 damage ranged attack!" You just want the ability to snag the mob easier. The 5 accuracy? Maybe it could provide a very situational use, but in most content you're using this to pull you're probably either capped accuracy already, or you won't the pulling and would rather have something else more beneficial in the ranged/ammo slot.