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DPS: 2444 D88 隔216 INT+5 MND+5 魔攻+12 魔法ダメージ+99 片手棍スキル+188 受け流しスキル+188 魔命スキル+167 ケアル回復量+22%
LV 99 白 黒 赤 召 青 学 GEO
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コメント (13)
Ragnarok.Chimerawizard[Report] スコア: 28
Let's all go to the club.

Cure club
Helix club
Enfeeble club
Skillup club
did I miss anything, club?
2013-07-12 20:56:41
Ragnarok.Flippant[Report] スコア: 11
There is no healing magic skill+ on this club in Japanese, so it's likely a "mistranslation" issue in the English version.
2013-07-15 01:32:52
Leviathan.Dreamx[Report] スコア: 6
Holy F###
2013-07-12 17:12:49
Bahamut.Xindarti[Report] スコア: 2
Amazing offhand for BLU/RDM.

Macro in Buremte gloves (13% rec) and you're already at a 37.8% self cure potency (1.22*1.13).

Add to that macro:

Kunaji Ring (5% rec)
Chuq'aba Belt (5% rec)
Tempered Cape (4% pot)
Phalaina Locket (4% pot / 4% rec)

and that brings you up to 30% pot 27% received. Now I know that's not cap, but that is a 65.1% self cure potency boost (1.3*1.27) which isn't half bad.

P.S. If someone mentions to me that cure pot cap is 50%, let me preemptively slap you and point out the difference b/t cure potency and self cures (cure potency * cure received)...
2014-01-07 10:45:55
Quetzalcoatl.Tyrantsyn[Report] スコア: 1
An amazing Club on RDM, allow you to land enfeebles and increase your CP on one piece. Two thing's you'll find yourself doing a lot of in WKR and delve in general.
2013-07-25 12:17:29
Asura.Acemonkey[Report] スコア: 1
As of the new patch, you can augment this with Magic Accuracy+30 and Enmity-10, making it even better for WHM.
2014-06-20 19:54:36
Quetzalcoatl.Talizorah[Report] スコア: 0
Sweet baby Jesus I want this club.
2013-07-14 18:44:42
Carbuncle.Asymptotic[Report] スコア: 0
Can't even fathom what the Delve version of this will look like.
2013-07-15 03:35:29
Leviathan.Haruhigumi[Report] スコア: 0
Doesn't appear to be the case Achy, naked testing on lightday with aurorastorm on, and the Korin obi, chatoyant appears to be doing less than Tamaxchi by about 10-15%.
2013-11-27 10:57:21
Carbuncle.Valflux[Report] スコア: -2
I'm a little pissed off that they screwed people on Soothsayer Staff and then made this...
2013-07-14 06:15:08
スクリーンショット (3)