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DPS: 3200 D128 隔240 命中+10 攻+10 魔攻+14 魔法ダメージ+108 片手剣スキル+242 受け流しスキル+242 青魔法スキル+15 魔命スキル+201 ブルーチェーン+25 青魔法の詠唱時間-7%
LV 99 青
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コメント (4)
Siren.Kyte[Report] スコア: 3
A: DMG15 STR15 ATT15
B: DMG15 STR15 ACC15
C: DMG15 ATT15 MAB15
D: BLUSkill15 MACC15 MAB15
2015-08-16 18:43:23
Quetzalcoatl.Gonavan[Report] スコア: 1
If you pick path D, this toy grants you the total of extra +30 Blue Magic Skill. It can be situationally useful to offhand(or mainland) Iris when you're off to Blue Spells farming. The extra +30(or +60 if you dual wield 2 of them) Blue Magic Skill will slightly boost your chances of learning spells, and we all already know that farming for Blue Spells requires all the luck/support we can get.
2019-08-31 22:23:12
Siren.Uhahguru[Report] スコア: -1
Rank 15
Path A: DMG: +15 STR +15 Attack +15
Path B: DMG: +15 Attack +15 Accuracy +15
Path C: DMG: +15 Attack +15 Magic Accuracy +15
Path D: Blue Magic skill +15 Magic Accuracy +15 "Magic Atk. Bonus" +20
2019-08-04 05:21:03
Phoenix.Numquam 表示 スコア: -20
So much for trying to make Tizona...and seems you can equip two of them...
2015-08-05 19:05:46
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