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DPS: 3260 D113 隔208 STR+13 DEX+13 VIT+13 AGI+13 INT+13 MND+13 CHR+13 命中+13 攻+13 回避+13 短剣スキル+242 受け流しスキル+242 魔命スキル+188 魔回避+13 デス耐性+13 追加効果:デス
LV 99 戦 赤 シ 獣 詩 狩 忍 コ 踊
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コメント (7)
Bismarck.Laurelli[Report] スコア: 13
Did you want a high proc rate? The game would be boring if you could just walk around 1-shotting everything naked with only a dagger.
2015-04-09 07:31:24
Fenrir.Camiie[Report] スコア: 9
With all those thirteens on it, people expect a lucky proc rate?
2015-04-17 07:06:23
Shiva.Kingmancat[Report] スコア: 8
Even if it does have a low rate, its still a good dagger. Whether in the main hand or offhand to RME, its stats are nice and make it good beyond just the occasional one shot kill.
2015-04-09 10:52:44
Lakshmi.Zerowone[Report] スコア: 2
Given that the other endeath options are Scythe and Great Axe, a 1% proc rate on a dagger is really good.
2015-04-17 00:36:37
Cerberus.Avalon[Report] スコア: 2

Odium is dropped from Plouton (T5 MB) in Vagary.
2015-05-07 12:17:28
Bahamut.Sephiran[Report] スコア: 2
If you look closely, this dagger is actually the blade extended from Plouton's hands during some of his auto-attacks.

Despite the appearance, said auto-attacks are magic damage. Thus, I think a low proc rate on Death is less of a shame than the fact that this dagger doesn't appear to have the non-elemental property of the twilight scythe.
2015-08-18 14:14:05
Siren.Loshiniloi[Report] スコア: -1
Where does this come from?
2015-05-06 08:32:35
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