Arka IV
(Staff)All Races
DMG:57 Delay:366
"Cure" potency +24%
Now that the staff's have different names and don't share each other's it is possible to macro between different level 99 staff's that have the same element, where as before you would have had to keep a staff one tier below.
Trial #3495
Trial: Retrieve a set quantity of the assigned item.
Objective: 15 carbites.
Carabite drops from normal weak monsters in Abyssea.
All of the mage jobs with native Healing Magic can cap out on CP without the aid of this staff, BUT this is still the best CP/slot you can get. Tefnut Wand and augmented Genbu's Shield? More expensive, requires lucky augmenting via Synergy, and still not as good as this staff with an appropriate grip (Verse Strap +1, Curatio Grip, etc.).
The trials are easy, there's no reason not to do them.
Cure potency is very easy to reach without the need of Arka IV , if you have a Tefnut Wand + Genbu Shield combo, genbu shield haves a very nice cure casting speed of 7% as well, cure casting time is no longer 50%, it's 80% now