To all you people who are downrating this weapon because of it's stats:
This weapon is meant to be AUGMENTED, which means it will gain acquire better stats. SE said that the augments will not be crap enhances, so naturally all the weapons like this will start out mediocre.
based on what we know of crafting. If the woodworking requirement is 66-67 then the smithing is probobly in the 50 range since darksteel ingots cap at 52 (i think). Reasonable to asume you need that smithing skill.
I agree with Xellith, need to have high 40's~low 50's smithing. I'm 35 smithing & wouldn't let me even attempt the synth (92 WW so that wasn't the problem)
I would say that this is better than Skystrider + Supremacy. Sky strider is 93 DMG, +6 STR, +4 attack, and this with proper augments would be at least +5 DMG, +2str, +2dex, and you have to remember that supremacy is taking the place of one earring, which means if you're using brutal/assault ur probably giving up the assault, which is 2acc and 5att. That means that with this lance you'd get 2 dex, 2 acc, 1 att, 2dmg and lose 4 str, they both have the same delay. Unless you're using a lance with lesser stats, then this is better than skystrider and thal, and i believe only beaten by Vork, which can be fairly dificult to obtain. I don't think you'll see a huge difference in damage between this, skystrider, and thal tho.