Do not purchase this Katana if you're purchasing it for OFFHAND... I bought it not knowing that the Attack + from shadows does not work offhand... and put it RIGHT back on the AH.
herp derp a fire Arisui has DMG50/Delay210 with STR+11 and Attack+22. With the attack from the STR factored in, it has Attack+27...which is more than what Kakesu gives only when you have all 5 shadows up. Jin is modded by STR and DEX equally and Fire Arisui will blow it out of the water. It might get ahead a slight bit in Shun if you assume you're lucky enough to have all 5 shadows up 24/7.
Also, as easy as Kannagi is to make, Fire Arisui is even easier to make.
In other words, like I said, this katana is only useful for people who don't do magians.
The high delay on this makes it worse than a fire trial katana even at 5 shadows. Not really worth using other than as placeholder for a better weapon, unless you don't plan to put any time into katana trials.