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DPS: 1032 D85 隔494
LV 75 戦 ナ 暗 RUN
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コメント (9)
Unicorn.Ignasio[Report] スコア: 33
Hidden effect: Enhances stand around and look cool.
2009-12-09 12:34:18
Cerberus.Tennkai[Report] スコア: 3
Synergy (Apprentice), Smithing (Veteran), Goldsmithing (Artisan)

Yield: Galatyn

* 3 x Wolfram Steel
* 1 x Cobalt Ore
* 1 x Dull Claymore

Source Ffxiclopedia.com
2009-12-12 12:14:45
Ramuh.Sagittario[Report] スコア: 2
This has to be, the coolest looking great sword to grace FFXI.
2009-11-10 09:45:28
Ragnarok.Rezeak[Report] スコア: 2
Possible slots.
1st = Filled upsidedown (lighting) triangle = WS Acc
2nd = Filled Diamond (wind) = WS Double attack
3rd = Unfilled Triangle (any) = Magic ( Dark magic macc or recast possible)
2009-12-20 16:51:43
Titan.Radd[Report] スコア: 0
Looks like another 6-hit GS contender. Nifty.
2009-11-10 18:04:29
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] スコア: -1
the "Cracked Greatsword" or dull or w/e drops from one of the new Fomor NMs in the (S) "Dungeons" (Crawlers nest, Eldieme, Garlaige).

I believe its a Galka, but the actually Fomor's all wield these "Aern" looking weapons, and all drop a "DMG:1 Delay:etc" type weapon matching that of the weapon they wield.

So its either a Relic-type Upgrade system involving all those new Ingots that drop from the harder NMs added this update, or i'm hoping something a bit easier involving Synergy/Evolith.
2009-11-19 15:17:43
Carbuncle.Shiek[Report] スコア: -4
where do you get it?
2009-12-12 17:33:32
Ramuh.Haseyo[Report] スコア: -7
In terms of looks, I think the two-pronged GSs look better.
2009-12-12 08:15:48
Seraph.Olebisque 表示 スコア: -10
how do u get it!!!! i want to know przzz >.<
2009-11-19 13:54:19
スクリーンショット (4)