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マチズモ   Rare Ex
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DPS: 1041 D34 隔196
LV 75 赤 シ 獣 詩 狩 忍 コ か 踊
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コメント (7)
Asura.Shamaya[Report] スコア: 7
Machisimo. MANdau. Will dual dual wielding these effectively be better than other options? Time will tell!
But these two icons side by side must be the sexiest thing in 2d nerd graphics.
2009-11-13 02:38:00
Bahamut.Sorel[Report] スコア: 5
Hey. Chico.
2010-02-27 04:00:41
Pandemonium.Sabishii[Report] スコア: 0
Most likely an item made from the upcoming Synergy synth skill. It's a MANLY dagger. MACHISMO!
2009-11-10 17:49:25
Seraph.Endrance[Report] スコア: 0
keep in mind according to wiki, though it's not always right.

"Weaponskill evoliths TriangleDownFilled and DiamondFilled only function if placed on their respective MAIN weapon, similar to TP Bonus on Martial weapons. For example, Scythe WS evoliths on crossbows (DRK) or Polearm WS evoliths on bows (SAM) will not work to enhance either weaponskill. Verification Needed"

it needs testing but if true could really kill this as a dagger for jobs that dont use dagger as a main weapon
2010-03-09 10:30:47
Ragnarok.Kedar[Report] スコア: 0
Only item "So Far" That a 75 cor can use to Etch a "Marksmanship + Ranged attack" mod to it, which is my goal :p
2010-02-18 14:27:24
Fenrir.Klefth[Report] スコア: -8
lol@the name
2009-11-15 14:00:32
Bahamut.Aeronis 表示 スコア: -18
Ermine's Tail still surpasses it
2009-11-18 16:10:33
スクリーンショット (8)