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DPS: 1052 D34 隔194 回避+8 リザードキラー効果アップ 対リザード:クリティカルヒット+7%
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コメント (8)
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] スコア: 7
AHA, This Dagger comes from Moblin Maze Mongers!

No joke, Group used Voucher 07(Liquidation) and Lost and Found Rune as well, At the end chest it dropped a Rune and Ermine's Tail.

All the "Vs.Mob: Critical" Weapons come from MMM...

The NM For Ermine's Tail was a Dhalmel with High Attack and DEF, Used Teir III agas and Teir IV Nukes, Along with Using Healing Breath for upward 3500...

So, Its an incredibly hard Fight, But the fact that its not some Camped NM makes us very lucky.

Happy Camping Fellows, Lost and Found Rune + Voucher 07 seems to be the key, Also has to be the Correct Family co-relating to the Weapon!

2008-12-27 18:15:41
Midgardsormr.Grenfang[Report] スコア: 4
As a Career THF, the main draw of this dagger isn't its DPS (which is still decent), its the evasion.

This is probably the best daggers to use while soloing mobs where your evasion isn't capped, in tandem with a tariqah or Tatami Shield (or Azoth).
2009-07-25 04:19:00
Siren.Murdock[Report] スコア: 4
The NM For Ermine's Tail was a Dhalmel with High Attack and DEF,

The NM For Ermine's Tail was a Dhalmel

Ermine's Tail was a Dhalmel


I see what you did there. >.>
2009-12-29 13:50:32
Shiva.Xellith[Report] スコア: 3
The maze rune setup I use to get this item is:

Maze Tabula M01
Voucher 7
04 - Beast
13 - Great Warrior
17 - Supreme Might
18 - Might
44 - Enfeebling Magic
45 - Elemental Magic
94 - Lost and Found

thats dropped an Ermines tail for my group 3/14 times from the lockbox and 3 times from the CCBox.
2009-07-26 10:03:53
Unicorn.Ninetales[Report] スコア: 2
The DoT is not better than Blau under hidden latent. If anything, it'd make a good mainhand while offhanding Blau. The DoT is a teensy bit better than X's, and +8 evasion is nice for THF tank. Apart from solo and evasion tanking, though, I can't see this beating X's/Blau. Also keep in mind that now with ToM, you can create daggers with even greater Evasion amounts with bonus AGI.

This knife has the hidden effect of Beast affinity, so you can be intimidated by plantoids. Keep that in mind when fighting plants.
2010-07-02 17:04:05
Pandemonium.Vrytreya[Report] スコア: 2
Azulmagia: Birds family is in the 2nd ecosystem. This weapon doesn't make you occasionally intimidated when fighting birds.

It does make you occasionally intimidated when fighting Plantoids, however.
2009-02-10 03:53:18
Asura.Arivale[Report] スコア: -7
Higher than average base damage.
Best DNC dagger, both in terms of base damage, DPS, and EVA, with the exception of Adder Jambiya +1, and good luck getting/finding/affording that one.
Best EVA dagger, overall.

Who gives a flying *** where it comes from that's what the wiki link is for, this is a top tier DPS dagger for THF and DNC, and an amazing solo piece.

Check wiki for what mob types fall under "Lizard" and what NMs this includes, the critical hitrate is amazing, and the killer effect procs enough to notice.
2009-06-15 08:10:39
Seraph.Taruwaru 表示 スコア: -20
this thing looks better then the blau 0_o, The crit hit would also stack with the X's knife, Seems like a very nasty combo of daggers.
Also adds 8 evasion to the already high evasion build of THF. This dagger was just released but I already know its a must have for THFs everywhere.
Lizards of vanadiel, beware! lol
even without the crit hit bonus on non-lizard mobs, the DMG/delay is still amazing.
2008-12-18 09:24:06
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