So I guess the real question is, does this only block the weakness effect attached to certain NM's TP moves, or can it also allow you to reraise in an unweakened state?
Chances are the proc rate is so low that it won't matter either way, but its still an interesting gimmick.
himthige aka Housecarls:
With time, the term "housecarls" (húskarlar) came to acquire a specific sense of "retainers", in the service of a lord, in his hirð, lid or drótt (all meaning "bodyguard", "troop of retainers").[3] In Denmark, this was also the sense of the word "himthige", a variant of húskarl
If the thing can proc on deaths (and double weaknesses, it's possible they'll block that out) it's going to be useful to have if you combine it with the Twilight set to commit suicide until you come back unweakened. Mileage will vary based on the proc rate, of course.
I think it's a bit lame to be promoting zombie tactics like this, though I guess it won't be widespread like Abyssea was given how horrible the drop rates on pulse weapons generally are.
Regen effect is +15 HP/tick and lasts for 3 minutes, with a 5-10% proc rate.
Occasionally prevents "weakened" status does not seem to work when receiving "Raise" and likely only works when being hit with monster TP moves that give weakened status, like Lithic Breath.