Metatron Torment the new Weaponskill for Bravura. Does 2 things.
1.Lowers Targets Defense Defense Down effect is 18.5%, 1 minute duration. Angon is 20%. This WS is barely weaker then angon for lowering defense.
2. Lowers Damage taken by enemies.
Damage reduced is 20.4%
Lasts 20 seconds at 100TP, 40 seconds at 200TP and 60 seconds at 300TP.
Incase you think that is a typo. It isn't. Doing The Metatron Torment weaponskill is equal as a warrior with TWO defending rings on and giving a mob an angon effect 2% weaker.
These are referred to as "aftermath" effects from the new weaponskills and they vary from weapon to weapon.
This weapon also has 2 hidden effects.
1. Damage Occasionally does 2x the amount of damage. This does not work with weaponskills.
2. You can do a lvl 3 skillchain after a lvl 3 skillchain continuously. Only relic weaponskills can do this, and all relic weapons get that hidden effect.