Waste of an equipment slot for +3 accuracy at Lvl 56, prime lvls for food-eating Lesser Colibri, for 4-5k? I think not. There's nothing better at this lvl in the throwing slot. Hell, look at how much people pay for Fire Bomblet over Bomb Core for the added acc.
I have to agree with Solrain on this one 100%. Especially as ninja tanking colibri I can't stress this added ACC 1 lvl before SH is avialable (57) more. 3 acc is noticeable when your only other means at these levels for acc is Jaridah gears and and life belt/swift belt. For 4k on top of that? (Yes, Please)
Kind of funny that this item still has it's Ranged Accuracy +3 attribute, considering that it isn't throwable and you can't equip a ranged weapon with it.