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DPS: 1159 D95 隔492 ダブルアタック+3% ストアTP+3
LV 75 竜
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コメント (13)
Leviathan.Zeratune[Report] スコア: 24
Even disregarding the stats, this thing looks so cool.
2009-01-14 20:04:12
Ramuh.Mystile[Report] スコア: 20
If you have ever fought Odin, he does fight with Gungnir. And if you take a look at his valkyries when they pop during the fight, you will see Valkyrie Forks. They are noticeably different in design.
2009-02-26 09:44:11
Diabolos.Paradox[Report] スコア: 14
As you notice not even the armor Odin drops is actually his so in turn neither is the weapon. Odin dies in his armor and keeps his grip tight on his spear. The items he drops are the spoils he does not care for... lol
2009-01-27 13:39:00
Shiva.Daimos[Report] スコア: 8
Just to clear up Uematsu's misinformation, double attack from equipment can and will proc on a multi hit weaponskill, such as penta thrust. Test this yourself, with drg/sam a penta will return 19% tp granted all 5 hits land with a 492 base delay polearm- 15 for 1st hit, 1 tp for each successive hit.

When double attack procs on say penta thrust, you will see a large damage spike, and a 20% tp return.
2009-08-23 02:29:04
Shiva.Xellith[Report] スコア: 5
This is argueably the second best polearm in the game.
2009-01-11 09:58:15
Shiva.Tedril[Report] スコア: -1
New version please?
2014-03-16 12:38:45
Fenrir.Fyren 表示 スコア: -12
Just a note,

while DA can proc on a WS without /war, it can only proc on the first 3 hits of a WS.
2010-03-13 06:51:35
Carbuncle.Kaslo 表示 スコア: -18
Most likely it will be a reward from Odin's Chamber in Einherjar since this and Hofud are both Odin's weapons.
2007-06-23 11:30:28
Titan.Tmaine 表示 スコア: -18
1. u dnt need war sub to have da activated. 2. any real dd wear brutal earring thats 5% da and with da drip and ares flancard thats another 9. this polearm which ill prolly never get will be 12% da now thats wats up. anyone subbing war on drg need to die
2009-06-17 04:18:33
Valefor.Jaronjuaju 表示 スコア: -27
Over-Glorified Backscratcher, also it is good for picking up trash at disneyland.
2009-10-23 23:21:46
スクリーンショット (3)