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バハムートザグナル   Rare Ex
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DPS: 300 D24 隔480 時々2-3回攻撃
LV 75 戦 暗 獣
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コメント (6)
Carbuncle.Johto[Report] スコア: 23
Great Zerg Weapon for DRK with some Desperate Blows merits and /sam. Gonna need 3/5 Homam to hit haste cap on gear though.
2008-01-31 16:57:09
Diabolos.Obliterate[Report] スコア: 2
Everyone compares this to soboro for some reason but when it comes down to it what is the better weapon for the job? DRKs can use this in endgame for massive damage with a JA made specifically for it while soboro although useful for /rng and /dnc for sam, falls short to the other EG GKTs and harldy has any use for EG.
2009-06-03 11:45:52
Lakshmi.Turkish[Report] スコア: -1
I use this with a enimity down set with my bst as to not pull hate of wild pets.... kinda useless now that charm is dead. It was fun matched it with a stun grip and feed the mob tp!
2010-10-27 18:53:13
Fenrir.Gradd[Report] スコア: -7
Soboro Fails Real Sams use Hagun, and this is Zerg only, if your using this in merits/anything serious you are a fail Drk Period.

If you have 5/5 Desperate Blows merited Hasso from /Sam does not even apply, because your capped on 25% JA haste during Last Resort. The proper Zerg sub would be /nin (for survivability) or /drg for Wyvern earrings 5% haste.

Kraken Club >>> Octave Club >>> Mercurial Kris >>> Ridill >>> Bahamut's Zaghnal

If you really want a good zerg build should just save up for a Kris, its a nice bang for its buck~
2010-04-20 17:22:03
Diabolos.Saraodomin 表示 スコア: -11
I know why our multy hit WS sucks and that it's supposed to be our zerg weapon . . . but honestly soboro has the DoT of an EG gkt at level 50 and our zerg-only weapon is level 75 . . .BS.
2009-04-26 23:36:31
Gilgamesh.Hercule 表示 スコア: -19
Why 24 Base DMG when SAM get 40 base DMG + Smaller Delay on Soboro Sukehiro?
SE Secret
2009-02-23 23:49:27
スクリーンショット (1)