* Spawned by trading a Bee Larvae to the ??? at (F-10) of the first map.
* Can be respawned every 15 minutes.
* His attacks have an Additional Effect of Poison, which activates fairly often.
* Has a high attack speed. Higher than normal Bees.
* Can be defeated by a party of 3 characters at level 60 or a single character at level 70.
* Drops 1,200 gil.
* The Wespe for Bee Larvae are 16 minute repops.
* Immune, or at least highly resistant, to sleep.
Wespes drop Bee Larvae, a rare/ex item with 1% drop rate in Temple of Uggalepih.
This dagger is one of the best off-hand daggers for THF due to it having the lowest dagger delay only matched by Sirocco Kukri, which should replace this at lvl 69.
Insane easy to solo the NM on SAM. He hits fast but is very inaccurate. Just do a 3 step light skill chain and he will fall. Overall did about 5k to him.
The hardest part is getting the Larvae to drop. Took about 30 mins to get it to drop with a TH4 THF so drop rate is really bad.
I think this is a great dagger. Personally I used this all the time when skilling up my dagger. Great and fast this with a KC sounds pretty beastly. Someone try it and tell me.