Familiar = Homunculus (Black Mandragora)
Jug = Alchemist's Water
Level Available = 23
Pet Level Cap = 75
Sic Abilitites
Head Butt: - Single target damage with Knockback
Scream: - AoE MND down effect
Photosynthesis: Mob gains the Regen effect
Dream Flower: - AoE Sleep
Wild Oats - Single target VIT down effect
Leaf Dagger - Single target poison
There have been rumours of this casting black magic. I will tell you right now IT DOES NOT cast any magic at all, its just a normal mandy. People have been spreading this rumour in hopes of selling this jug.
the rumor for Black Magic casting is that it will cast Black Magic if it has less than 100% TP and you tell it to Sic. Since you didn't bother telling us how you KNOW it doesnt cast Black magic i would assume you didnt try this.