Familiar = Courier Carrie (HQ Crab)
Jug = Fish Oil Broth
Level Available = 23
Pet Level Cap = 75
Sic Abilitites
Metallic Body - Crab gains a Stoneskin effect
Bubble Shower - Crab deals AOE water damage and STR down
Bubble Curtain - Crab gains a shell effect
Scissor Guard - Crab gains Defense Up effect
Big Scissors - Single-hit TP attack
I see too many low level BSTs use these. You are wasting your gil. CrabFamilar is just as good until level 55 when it caps out. Don't use uncapped HQ jugs at low levels, it's pointless.
@ Bekisa, I've merited on bst a few times and CC parses horribly.
C. Blood/F. Ant/L. Mole does the best for me (never many mandies on sale so never tried them)
Mainly L. Mole, due to double attack and decent TP moves.
The core jug pet for any bst, not the best DD pet, but is affordable and balanced, best tank pet period, anyone that has leveled bst knows they never leave the MH without them and CC will always be there to take those punishing hits for you
This is a cash cow, if you can fish up the bluetail.
Strait profit.
I say that cause even if you npc the NQ versions<fishbroth> that 360g<30/> a stack takes care of the Ah fees.
You are still looking at a possibly profit if you buy from the AH though you will have to be sure your HQ abilities will compensate for the gil spent.
edit* Make sure to use the Jeuno Ah when selling Fees are half of what Aht Urghan fees are.
Apparently some people arent satisfied with the 6k profit they're making on this just from using AH bought items.
Interestingly enough, throwing the price from 7k to 13k, earning them 12k profit off 900 gil materials is just ripping people off. Stop price-fixing these things Kujatans. Getting kinda fed up with this, couple more weeks of this and i'll be happy to make people lose accounts over this.