To be honest, I'd rather an Onimaru than this. Hagun is the best at 100-200% TP, but Onimaru rules over this and Hagun as far as 300% TP goes. Just my opinion.
The TP drain rarely kicks in AND it only does between 1-10 when it does trigger. If they upped the activation or upped the ammount drained, then it would be worthwhile, IMO.
"It is demonstrated Hagun is better for WS at 100% TP and 200% TP, compared to Shinsoku as well. But, if we only compare this two GK Shinsoku if fairly much better on 300% TP WS, only simple cause.. we can't got 400% TP, Damage are higher and STR+5. I recommand much Shinsoku than Hagun for HNM when you got time to Store TP to 300% before WS."
Onimaru is better than Shinsoku at 300% and is cheaper anyway. I don't see a reason to *EVER* use a Shinsoku.
Tested this with Onimaru and Onimaru proved dominance over Shinsoku by avg of 700+ for Onimaru and 640-670 avg on shinsoku i made sure it was equal as i had nothing but the weapons on.
@Napkin, probly meant to bid on hagun there 1 space apart.
comparing this and onimaru oni will have better DoT and WS dmg unless for some reason your tping past 100% frequently.
It is demonstrated Hagun is better for WS at 100% TP and 200% TP, compared to Shinsoku as well. But, if we only compare this two GK Shinsoku if fairly much better on 300% TP WS, only simple cause.. we can't got 400% TP, Damage are higher and STR+5. I recommand much Shinsoku than Hagun for HNM when you got time to Store TP to 300% before WS.
If you need an economical weapon until Hagun or 5-hit Rindo, use Onimaru instead of this. Using Shinsoku really is akin to full-timing Hachiman Domaru.
Heres the difference between this and Namikirimaru which both have the same additional effect: Namikirimaru has lower damage per hit, but add effect procs more often.
(no comment on if either weapon is worth getting; ask one of the resident mathematicians if you need to)