An excellent choice to hold you over to the Daihannya... but it may take awhile to get used to the decreased movement speed if you like to hit your meditate macro as soon as you enter a zone
due to the reduced speed tha you move with this weapon you might want to carry a different on. Reason i say this is because that sam are asked/made to pull in some party set ups. Granted at this level you are fighting Colebry and dont have far to run but these are not lokie dusk gloves as you cant take it off to run normal again, unless you dont mind looseing all of your TP at the start of a fight.
think about that before getting this. great damage for its lvl and aside from the slow walking.
Sorry dude but I've meritted with SAMs using Soboro and they could've double/tripled the amount of DMG they did if they used a higher level GK. in the time it takes a soboro to ws 2 times, using a higher level GK would've outputted much more DMG. In my opinion(mine own) it's good for SAM/RNG onry.
The reason you use Soboro over any Great Katana is for the fast TP build, not the damage per hit. SAMs still use it at 75, so it's not "weak" at 55/56, just "harder to obtain and rocks the mob's world"