You also have to realize that this delay is lower than many GK. 60 Delay is equal to one real time second, so in the end, this weapon will hit 10 times when the zanboto hits about 8.5 times. At which point, you will have 103.7 tp from zanboto and 102 tp from GM's Uchigatana, not factoring in store tp. You decide, but I would rather have: higer dps, +4 accuracy, +4 attack, and lower delay (a higher chance to interrupt enemy casts) than 1.7 tp less after 10 hits.
Same base DMG and Accuracy(after DEX update) as the Omokage but easier to obtain. The +4Attack and higher DPS makes this a better choice at 60 for a SAM.
not a bad GK to have. affordable and when sword strap equiped can hit around 387 delay plus hasso prob bring it to around 366-370. not bad for a GK. dmg is decent as well. not a bad buy at all.
One thing that no one is paying attention to is that the TP per hit is 10.2% whereas the majority of great katanas are 12.2%. It makes a noticable difference. Although the DPS is decent and the delay is great, you're not getting to 100% TP any faster and your weaponskills won't do as much damage as Zanbato or something of that matter.