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DPS: 896 D60 隔402 HP+20 MP+20 INT+10 MND+10 耐火+15 耐氷+15 耐風+15 耐土+15 耐雷+15 耐水+15 耐光+15 耐闇+15
LV 75 モ 白 黒 ナ 竜 召 学 GEO
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コメント (10)
Seraph.Darkiddo[Report] スコア: 21
Great for Stoneskin. Not for nuke. But still a preatty good item to have. =)
2007-10-24 11:36:38
Phoenix.Istabpeople[Report] スコア: 12
The new standard for SCH, particularly for Neo Nyzul groups. This can be augmented with up to +12 Enhancing Magic skill (using Genbu Scraps), making it possible to break 500 skill to boost your Embrava.
2012-05-03 10:18:27
Midgardsormr.Grenfang[Report] スコア: 10
Good for Stoneskin on WHM, SCH, and BLM (sub RDM or WHM), Chi Blast on MNK, and elemental DoT's on BLM.
2009-02-27 02:20:39
Titan.Findecano[Report] スコア: 8
Its amazing how cheap this is now. Certainly something I'll pickup if I see it, deffinately one of the best staves for MNK "imo".
2007-12-21 05:37:07
Bismarck.Rosalee[Report] スコア: 5
After the death of Embrava, best use for this now is with Byakko Scraps for up to +12 Summoning Magic Skill for your Alexander builds.
2013-05-21 20:24:10
Cerberus.Finalvegeta[Report] スコア: -4
Imo this is a very good staff for BLM. You can use it for Stoneskin, elemental debuffs, normal debuffs and for melee
2009-03-18 10:52:59
Phoenix.Artimus[Report] スコア: -7
primarily used for Stoneskin and Chi Blast sets. Works well for those two setups. Not typically used for a whole lot else
2010-05-13 11:34:19
Garuda.Atriyu 表示 スコア: -16
Also a decent staff for whm also with the +10 mnd and +20mp +20hp.
2008-12-06 20:09:56
Ramuh.Minti 表示 スコア: -37
Is this any good for BLM?
2007-09-29 14:21:21
Remora.Redchaos 表示 スコア: -63
willing to pay 75-100k for one of these on remora let me know message me on here or game thankyou
2007-08-09 03:23:14
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