* +15% increase to Dark Element Magic Spells
* -15% decrease to Light Element Magic Spells
* Charm success rate -15%
* -3 Avatar Perpetuation Cost for Diabolos, Fenrir, and Dark Spirit
* +3 Avatar Perpetuation Cost for Carbuncle and Light Spirit
A very important staff for black and red mages to upgrade to. A 15% increase in accuracy and potency for spells, enfeebling, elemental, dark, etc with the dark element.
Sleep spells, aspir and drain spells, and to some extent, even bio spells (increasing initial damage) are pretty much the bread and butter of what this staff can affect.
To Kaelya: It's common knowledge that it does in fact affect magic accuracy.
Common Knowledge #1: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/db/jobs.html?fjob=2&mid=1100188781864052639&num=15
In depth testing: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/db/jobs.html?fjob=2;mid=114853354876329973;num=23;page=1
Common Knowledge #2: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/db/jobs.html?fjob=2;mid=1197354093211094714;num=30;page=1
Many of these posts are by people who have been on these forums for a long time and have had extensive experience with the game. Please stop.
BLUs who like to create Gravitation and Darkness skillchains should consider getting this staff. Since you just SC'd, you won't have any TP to lose by macroing this in for your MP Drainkiss or Eyes On Me or whatever. The former is particularly resisty during daytime so the accuracy benefits your drains (including Aspir/Drain if you're /SCH) and +15% to a magic bursted Eyes On Me can seriously hurt.
to Exzir,
its not a percentage based increase in M.Acc its +30 M.Acc for all spell's aligned with the corresponding staff element (I.E Pluto = Dark Elemnt spell acc, Terra = Earth Element Spell acc etc.) using spells of the opposing ele will give you a negative return in m.acc. Also note that the HQ ele staffs give +30 M.acc and the NQ give +20 M.acc.
A 15% increase in accuracy and potency for spells, enfeebling, elemental, dark, etc with the dark element.
All magic assocated with DARK will gain acc. As noted "ect with the DARK elemnet." Stop tring to put words into a comment; it is 100% correct... I do not know of a Elemental spell that is drak based but if there were then it'll help.