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DPS: 590 D35 隔356 STR+2 DEX+2 VIT+2 AGI+2 INT+2 MND+2 CHR+2 耐闇+20 ケアル回復量+10% 追加効果:光ダメージ
LV 51 戦 モ 白 黒 赤 シ ナ 暗 獣 詩 狩 侍 忍 竜 召 青 コ か 踊 学 GEO RUN
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在庫 3
落札率 Slow (0.276 件/日)
中央 200,000
キャラ一覧: [所有中] [装備中]
上限 500,000
下限 150,000
平均 199,500
ラスト 200,000
2 Days 前200,000
7 Days 前200,000
14 Days 前200,000
14 Days 前200,000
GilPrice History12/251/192/62/143/110k50k100k150k200k250kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
取引履歴 (25)
Mar. 24, 2025ShiroinekoXicor200,000
Mar. 19, 2025PacotaruDartan200,000
Mar. 12, 2025EffieeeShinsekai200,000
Mar. 12, 2025XaverdrickDerrina200,000
Mar. 11, 2025ElohuahMudito200,000
Mar. 6, 2025NikopikosTinypooter200,000
Feb. 26, 2025AysanChandria200,000
Feb. 25, 2025LilcrazyTrajiaan200,000
Feb. 15, 2025FethurMorice200,000
Feb. 14, 2025WottanManetoya200,000
コメント (16)
Siren.Monkeymage[Report] スコア: 99
Light/Apollo Staff also give Charm a Boost.
Light: 10%
Apollo's: 15%

These give X% less charm fail rate.
2007-06-12 07:39:12
Asura.Riddick[Report] スコア: 68
Also seems to make a substantial difference for Bard. Lullaby seems to stick better with this item. Nice staff.
2007-06-08 16:18:34
Asura.Finbar[Report] スコア: 56
As with Lullaby, Apollo's Staff is also the most effective boost to the newest White Mage spell, Repose (a light and divine magic based Sleep II). For less resists and partial-resists, there's no more bang for the slot than this staff.
2007-12-13 21:33:36
Valefor.Sakka[Report] スコア: 27
Aerisss, you *NEVER* get +1mp/tic from any avatar without some sort of +refresh from gear, or Sanction Refresh. Only way to get +1/tic is with apollo, carby mitts, and vermillion cloak (Unless you decide to get Sanction Refresh, then you can get it below ~80%[?] MP with austere robe)
2008-02-08 15:59:26
Ifrit.Rikirocket[Report] スコア: 26
Hidden Effect
+15% increase to Light Element Magic Spells
-15% decrease to Dark Element Magic Spells
Charm success rate +15%
-3 Avatar Perpetuation Cost for Carbuncle and Light Spirit
+3 Avatar Perpetuation Cost for Diabolos, Fenrir, and Dark Spirit
2008-08-08 06:42:30
Phoenix.Xxmchenryxx[Report] スコア: 22
Sakka has been rated down even though his comment is right. An avatar will ALWAYS cost 1mp/tick regardless of how much -perp you have, this is removed by the summoners trait, auto refresh.

you can have smn af2 body, head, af+1 boots, mitts, HQ staff, on lightsday with light weather, and you'll not get +1 mp back without sanction on. however swapping in an auto-refresh piece will.
2008-06-19 04:54:06
Ragnarok.Relit[Report] スコア: 18
If they were to make the Cure Potency on Apollo's higher than Light Staff, they would have to change all the other HQ staves too. i.e. Vulcan's Would be Attack and Ranged Attack+15 (originally 10) and Terra's Staff would be -25% Damage Taken. I think the hidden effects alone on these staves makes them worth the gil.
2008-07-12 12:37:21
Diabolos.Cassi[Report] スコア: 13
Not only is it a good Staff for Dynamis, but also for Apollyon due to the double Darkness there.
2007-09-09 17:00:49
Unicorn.Tsukinomahou[Report] スコア: 5
This has gained another use in the Scholar spell Luminohelix, which works very well with the double light weather in Temenos.
2009-08-18 19:56:41
Sylph.Theblackdeath[Report] スコア: 4
an absolute must for any ranger doing a holy bolt setup
2010-06-14 05:38:54
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