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ロクスリーボウ   Rare Ex
[Ranged] All Races
DPS: 600 D12 隔120 飛命+12
LV 57 狩
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コメント (8)
Siren.Murdock[Report] スコア: 19
VERY FAST bow. Great for claiming.
2008-08-25 13:57:43
Asura.Darkultima[Report] スコア: 7
"* Lottery Spawn from the Antican Princeps in the room at H-9 to I-10.
* Located at: Enter Quicksand Caves from Eastern Altepa Desert at H-10; found at H-9 to I-10 on that map.
* Can be spawned every 4-15 hours.
* Highly resistant to Paralyze.
* Has very low Accuracy, but has fairly high Ranged Accuracy.
* Killable by: 6 characters level 50; 2 characters level 66; solo by a RDM/NIN at level 60, and by Dragoon at level 62.
* Drops 3,000 gil total, Gilfinder increases this total.
* Special Attacks: Eagle Eye Shot"
Infos taken from www.ffxiclopedia.org.
2009-04-03 07:42:45
Phoenix.Gregrowe[Report] スコア: 5
Whenever my RNG buffer gets low I take this bow along with some cheap arrows to campaign.
2009-04-02 18:26:14
Garuda.Wooooodum[Report] スコア: 3
<1 Second to fire arrows.

2009-03-09 20:22:31
Alexander.Redpheonix[Report] スコア: 3
With the rise in level cap anyone looking to skill up Archery this is a nice addition. Your not looking to kill the mob so damage is not a problem get some cheap ammo and spam away it's also pretty fun went 1/2 as Nin/Thf (TH1). NM seemed pretty quiet though that is situational.
2010-07-12 15:19:25
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] スコア: 2
Ranged delay is different than normal delay so 110 delay on ranged=1 sec not 60
2009-12-25 03:26:33
Ragnarok.Whitehawkx[Report] スコア: 1
Very fun bow to play with. You'll fire your arrows before the animation of you pulling back finishes. Like Murdock said it's great for claiming, although, most RNG's will probably be trying to claim with Shadowbind. I know I do.
2010-02-09 03:28:10
Gilgamesh.Militis[Report] スコア: -9
This is THE fastest ranged weapon in the game. Delay 120 translates to 2 secs to fire (60 delay per second). The next fastest ranged weapon is the Machine Crossbow.
2009-10-15 18:21:40
スクリーンショット (2)