Along with being used mainly for the MP and Magic Defense bonus (good for RDM,PLD), Its flat out looks cool.
However you wont see it being shot much cause the only two jobs that could get use out of it don't have much use for Arrows =P nor the skill to shoot em
._. Sigh, i didnt say RDM didn't have archery skill but when's the last time you had your RDM Pull with Arrows? or go RDM/RNG For SIDEWINDER SPAM?
My point was the two jobs ho get use out of it wont be using it for shooting outside of screwing around with friends.
ok i just wanted to update this comment list because the people below seem to be lacking in knowledge when it comes to this bow. this is used for a magic def build on pld or red. Idk about most people but maybe 2 jobs might even think of using this bow to pull with and those jobs dont pull.