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コメント (8)
Seraph.Kyaaadaa[Report] スコア: 77
What amounts to the "relic" of the fishing world, this rod cannot be broken. Recieved through the Indomitable Spirit quest by trading an Opal Silk and a Saber Shoot to Irmilant in Rabao. The two key items are hard to come by, as they are gotten at about a .5% rate from the Inside the Belly quest trading in Lik and Gugrusaurus, two fish that I would highly suggest being Fishing 100 to hook and catch with "ease". This can take a lot of time and patience, as people have recorded having to go almost a full year trying to get the key items.
Not for the faint of heart...
2008-10-15 20:10:15
Quetzalcoatl.Aerisss[Report] スコア: 71
Improved Lu Shang's Fishing Rod - unbreakable and faster stamina depletion.
2007-08-04 07:53:29
Phoenix.Enurrsha[Report] スコア: 45
Just to correct a previous post... the Lu Shang's quest is NOT a prerequisite for this quest. I have the Ebisu although I have not turned in 10,000 carp to get a Lu Shang's.
2009-05-30 14:47:31
Leviathan.Hohenheim[Report] スコア: 22
As of 9/19/11 new skin!
2011-09-19 22:00:58
Cerberus.Tidis[Report] スコア: 4
Turning into a Sith lightsaber as of the June 2015 update.
2015-06-15 11:30:26
Lakshmi.Konvict[Report] スコア: 3
FFXIAH team should list this as a "relic" since it is very time consuming as a mythic/relic. I mean come on, if emps are "relics" then an Earth Crystal is.
2011-10-25 15:27:25
Lakshmi.Tyrantdre[Report] スコア: 1
The holy grail of fishing rods.
2013-03-11 03:46:16
Valefor.Philemon[Report] スコア: -3
Based on results, I'd give Saber Shoot 5 stars and Opal Silk 2-2.5 at best.
2011-11-07 17:53:46
スクリーンショット (10)