This is generally the best TP mantle. Cuch etc will beat it if you are STRUGGLING for accuracy, but this will even beat out DRG's +1% Haste mantle a lot of the time.
Skar stop reposting your comments after you get rated down!
FSTR is autocapped the second you apply Cruor Buffs/VV Atma, the only thing DA truly has diminishing returns against these days is Haste, and I would expect EVERY job to be capp'ing haste now its not hard at all in the least.
This is miles better than Cerberus +1, and currenly the best back piece in the game for every job that can use it.
@Skarwind- That was true outside of Abyssea. However within Abyssea fSTR is capped always due to cruor buffs and/or atma, making Charger's and most certainly this better than Forager's for TP.