to clarify the statement by Belzedar regarding damage mitigation with the defense stat on the shield, here is an entry from ffxiclopedia:
"In addition to the type of the shield, the defense rating of the shield also affects the amount of damage absorbed during a shield block: each point of defense seems to be an additional 0.5% damage reduction."
In the discussion for second best tanking shield in the game, probably ahead of Kaiser Shield because of the HP, and competitive with Wivre Shield +1. Wivre +1 offers +2 enmity, Terror offers +20 HP and somewhat better damage mitigation, since defense is included when calculating damage reduction from shield blocks.
I personally still prefer Koenig Shield over this. Especially when fighting Kirin and Cerberus for the Beast Killer effect. Although thats mostly because of the price. If Terror Shield went down to about the same price as Koenig I would definitely buy it anyway and switch out b/w the two.
2-6 hour repop with an abysmal drop rate and a TP move that can drop even the best players (Shell Charge). No one is manipulating the price; I've sold 20 of these shields for 2M+ and I frankly found it not worth it anymore.
In what I have seen, I really don't see how this is the 2nd best tanking shield in the game.
In campaign, oh hell yeah, there's no doubt. However, the VIT and extra 2 DEF from a Koenig Shield, I'm a taru, I'm squishy enough as is. I just don't see the benefit of 20 HP to make this the 2nd best.
If you have PLD & DRK leveled, this may be more favorable. Tight on space or hate muling? This can back up as a great PLD/NIN shield or for One-Handed zergs on DRK. Especially if you're on a blocked server and can't make another mule. ( -_-);
Terror Shield: 1MIL-1.5MIL
-1 Inventory
Kaiser Shield+ Jan.+1: 3MIL-3.5MIL
-2 Inventory
But if you have to have the best for both, this isn't something you should get.