Solved this one earlier today. You'll need to have a thf in party with you for the latent to work. I should also mention that you may not see the latent take effect unless you equip it after in the party.
Drops from Elusive Edwin (Level 47) uses Cursed Sphere repeatedly. Has a rare additional effect: silence. Soloable by any level 75 job. Approx 3177HP. Highly resistant, if not immune, to Bind and Sleep. Links with surrounding Ogreflies.
Elusive Edwin can be found in the southern area of J-9 in The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah.
Latent Effect active while in a party with a Thief.
How long is Elusive Edwins spawn time? Ive had hime spawn once or twice, but it was on differant days, not farmming the nm continueasly. So I need to know his spawn time, can anyone tell me?
Just got one... any ideas on latent? So far, I've tried below 50% HP, under 33% HP, under 25% HP, under 10% HP, at 300% TP, above 200% TP, above 100% TP, under 100% TP, all subjobs, with bard songs up, with club and hand to hand weapons equipped, as the only earring equipped, as the only item equipped period, while blinded, bio'd, slept... I give up. x_x