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コメント (8)
Fairy.Neosito[Report] スコア: 16
The nm chigre is force pop'd and is killable by a few different parties. You obtain the force-pop item by gaining 1000 points from the new NPC old-guy right infront of al zahbi and white gate doors.

You could either just do a normal all out on it, which is very risky because the nm has en-enfeeble, meaning if it hits you, you have paralyze, poison, silence, etc. the nm also has passive 100-fist, but can be EASILY tanked by PLD because deals very low.

another strategy that works well is to have one paladin kite and keep voking while one BLM DoT the living potatoes out of the nm. also need one WHM to keep curing the PLD and taking enfeebs off him/her. only need 3 people for this set-up.

also one of the better rings for NIN tanks, giving the 3 resis'.
2008-06-18 00:09:36
Seraph.Helixx[Report] スコア: 4
Better than snipers or woodmans ring because it has no negative effects. Resist effects kick in very rarely.
MNK/war in -pdt gear can tank this easily.
2010-01-17 10:33:47
Hades.Ceal[Report] スコア: 2
Drops from one of the new trigger NMs called "Chigre".
2008-06-11 12:30:20
Alexander.Xynthios[Report] スコア: 2
Great Alternative for DD to use instead of Woodsmans/Sniper's Ring for TP Build, the "Resist" effects can kick in fairly often and can save you're life at certain times.

I was able to resist Curse, Paralyze and Blind spells/TP moves on a large number of occasions.

I would recommend this ring to those who don't have Toreador's or Iota Ring.
2009-11-08 18:48:50
Ramuh.Nesya[Report] スコア: 1
Solo by COR quite simply. Thanks Lyn^^
2010-01-31 17:35:27
Remora.Tsunayoshi[Report] スコア: 1
Drops from ZNM pop Chigre, soloable by some jobs, this video shows the general idea http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7gbr4TCaF0
2010-06-30 02:44:56
Bahamut.Aeronis 表示 スコア: -10
Just to confirm for people, when you have a Resist-status effect, it doesn't 'resist' the effect, it shortens the duration of it.
2010-06-14 17:15:10
Sylph.Delagyela 表示 スコア: -15
loose hate when u get hit, no its not based on the damage u take or i wouldnt die so much, 0's = -enmity. so chigre doesnt reset hate, his low delay causes him to erase enmity very quickly
2008-12-10 03:37:06
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