Acc Bonus, sans more testing/obscure hidden latent, is +5 ACC static.
Dunno how the tester at BG got +4, but on multiple mobs and varying amounts of ACC needed to drop mobs from static EVA to low EVA, the the set always adds +5 ACC for me.
@Sedres: Break it down this way in terms of enhancements. If you tp in the molione's set, you're sporting acc+5 str+7 95 dmg. assuming you don't macro out the ring during WS it's the same. if you do, you lose the 5 acc and 4 str. with say a perdu and sniper's, you sport attack+14, acc+10, 93 dmg while tping, and if you macro in say a triumph ring for ws, acc+5 attack+14 str+5, 93 dmg during ws.
The souleater effect might not seem like much, but the combined pieces will save all those 360 and Ps2 players alot of macro space, not to mention blinking in pieces, the bane of all healers. The only toss up between this set and the Perdu is the ATK vs STR argument, as the ring/Perdu latent gives roughly the same acc as say a Woodsman. Would you rather have +14 latent attack or +7 STR at all times?