if you have byakko haidate and do not wish to obtain the full 5 usukane set, then these might be a waste of time for mnks.
You get +2% haste, +2% crit hit rate, and +7 acc from Byakko haidate. But these would give you +12 attack more then with BH on.
Without the set from my experience, BH is way better, I have both.
w/o the whole set B.Haidate is better to tp in than these alone for sam. with the whole set on its the best tp gear but for ws these are still great for that. but it all comes down to player prefference if you want to tp in em go for it.
good ws piece for relic sam's, not better than hachiryu, or af3+2 legs, but better than all else since kaiten get's more out of att+ than other ws's, also really really easy to obtain compared to other usu pieces, and some other ws legs (shura/+1, hachiryu, af3+2, since you usually kill the other mobs while trying to get good gear from salvage
For SAM, this is hands down the best piece. Yes, it has 10 less DEX and 2% less Haste than Byakko's Haidate, and 4 less accuracy than Shura Haidate, but the +5 STR and 10 attack easily make up for that. Also, with the full set, this piece technically gives +8% Haste, easily shadowing Byakko's Haidate.