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コメント (3)
Kujata.Galatea[Report] スコア: 1
Drops in Dynamis - Tavnazia.
2008-03-17 01:31:13
Pandemonium.Abiathar[Report] スコア: 1
This is a Dynamis - Tavnazia drop. Haste from this item stacks with the spell Haste and the Haste Belt. The Haste seems to be approximately 10% and lasts for 3 minutes. The haste effect is removed if the armor is unequipped. The haste effect is not counted as part of gear or magic haste caps.
This is pretty much a dream peice for any DRK looking for a crazy zerg peice. Good luck :D
2009-08-04 14:49:19
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] スコア: -1

Haste is haste. As long as it doesn't put you over cap, 10% from once source is better than 3% from another.
2011-04-18 10:34:58
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