can be worn as an alternative to usukane feet if u are unable to acquire them, they give you the extra store tp required to use a 6-hit build using just Rajas Brutal and these. a very nice peice pre-salvage(Usukane feet ftw). for those of u debating using these over fuma sune ate, Dusk gloves offer atk+ , fuma do not. overall using these and dusk gloves you add 3 str and 5atk? to your tp build, not to mention the other stats gained by swapping askar body,chiv chain or ecphorias ring or whatever u use to obtain your extra 1stp. A Very pricy peice for a very good reason.
@ Kelv Would not be a possible tier 1 even with +1 item from gold sub you would only be 10 over cap unless you used goldsmithing synth support... but then you cant reach tier 1 on the smithing main.. so yah its not feasible, i think you just saw someone having problems selling it or who had an amazing luck streak.