No Itachi, for a well geared WAR there is /no *** way/ these beat dusk. They can pretty easily cap acc (and Ddex for lolibri) in other slots without sacrificing haste. If it's something higher level, pizza exists for a reason.
A well buffed + geared warrior (haste and two marches) will have ~54% haste, 1% haste at this level adds more than 3% total damage. Add in hasso and/or haste samba and it's even more of a wash.
Offensively speaking, these are terrible. Good for stuff like flash and... evasion tanking on SAM? lol
Finally, yes, Askar Head is bad and people who TP in it should feel bad.
I don't know why people have rated Andradi down because not only is he right that Dusk is better than these for Warrior he has also explained why. Only exception would be for something like Einherjar where you might opt for a rune chopper and be able to drop a couple of %haste because you'd already be at cap and the dex could help hit cap against mobs slightly harder than colibri.
I would think these would be mainly for PLD if they don't have a hand piece with higher enmity. Or any of these 6 jobs if they are going for an evasion/haste piece.
These are the BEST TP hands a WAR can get, even more than dusk.
1.The DEX+5 is equal to 3.5ish acc which some WAR's need. When your missing hitting 1% faster isn't going to solve much.
2. No decreased movement speed when compared to dusk. If you have to do a lot of running while fighting askar saves you time changing equipment, and that extra time can be a lifesaver.
3. The evasion. As a WAR your bound to get hate or expected to keep hate so the enmity+4 won't hurt you much at all but the evasion comes in handy greatly when you have hate shadow tanking.
All of these stats for the sacrifice of 1% haste. The only time I see 1% or 2%(Dusk+1) haste a priority over all these other stats is when you have Bravura.
Edit: @Smegpot I was talking from the perspective of when War does tank. I have tanked and kited Dynamis/Limbus/Salvage/Einherjar/and of course merits on my War and so much more. And by the same logic you gave me all wars who choose askar head over W. turban for 4dex are fail 2