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防43 MP+25 リフレシュ 契約の履行使用間隔-5 召喚獣:敵対心+5
LV 71 召
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コメント (15)
Siren.Eclipsys[Report] スコア: 18
The best all around body piece for a Summoner.

The NM is relatively easy to defeat (I trio'd it with a RDM/RNG, MNK/NIN, and I went WHM/SMN) and absolutely worth the time. I myself had awful luck obtaining it, 1/14, but I love the piece.

It's worth the time spent on camping the NM, the stats it offers are incredible, and the overall usage far outweighs Summoner's Doublet (in terms of general use versus situational).
2008-06-09 15:09:12
Midgardsormr.Isenheart[Report] スコア: 13
The best body piece at a Summoner's disposal.

Refresh helps keep a free Carbuncle at your disposal, plus costs 1 less mana to keep an avatar out, -5 seconds on blood pact is unrivaled, and +5 Enmity on your avatar lessens the chance of your target deciding it wants a piece of you. Unfortunately, the NM, Shikigami Weapon, is hard to find without wide scan, and drop rate is around... 25% from my personal experience (Ran 2/8 with 2 drops back to back)

But, still worth the trouble in the end.
2007-10-24 03:42:45
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] スコア: 3
Robertthebobs is slightly incorrect.

Shikigami Weapon spawns 21 to 21 hours and 15 minutes after it last died. It has an innate ivisible effect and it cannot be targeted until it is aggro'd via spellcasting. This is a RDM type weapon, that can't be silenced. Just some more information about the NM.
2010-06-29 16:14:26
Fenrir.Roux[Report] スコア: 2
When I went for this robe, we had TH3 and ended up getting 5 robes in 6 kills. His drop rate seems to be much higher than 25%.
2009-01-26 21:13:14
Sylph.Silvertalon[Report] スコア: 0
Just killed NM randomly while doing Agni's Staff trials. Very easy solo at lvl 90 blm, Yinyang robe dropped.
2011-07-28 23:09:10
Fairy.Shony[Report] スコア: -1
Drop rate is around 40%.
2009-02-24 08:26:43
Sylph.Lotusbluete[Report] スコア: -6
Wiki says droprate is about 41% ... camped Shiki w/ ls, claimed 3 days in a row and got YY 3/3.
2009-03-04 08:19:57
Ramuh.Robertthebobs[Report] スコア: -8
Best robe for summoner.
The nm is a 21-24 hour pop wanders around inv u need to cast magic to grab its aggro easyly killed by 3 75s love it :) :) :)
2009-11-08 12:46:04
Fairy.Rog[Report] スコア: -9
"also, when camping him. dont try and link. have your rng to "/ja "Shadowbing" <ws>" (IM pretty sure <ws> is the <widescan> target)."

it's actually <scan>
2008-02-21 22:42:22
Seraph.Zenki 表示 スコア: -10
Seriously....I need one please gimme ToD or help me get it ;; I'll pay unless ur super kind enough to help for free ;;...plz....on Seraph btw! going to bismarck soon,,
2010-03-15 16:27:11
スクリーンショット (7)