A nice afordable choice for the high lvl rdm, good solid stat bonus, nice MP recovery addition and the less enmity always the better for a mage. Mostly its cheap, dirt cheap compared to the other options in the end. A full set is all the stat boosts a good rdm will ever need (basic stats mind you, not fully focused ones like Mag. Acc.) Allowing you to focus on MP+ accesorys.
Pretty much every mage (And the non-mages on the list) can get some use out of this, one way or another. It's another one of those items that's affordable-beyond-belief, and yet still really really good.
actually i dont know about last few months but this was well over the price it is today, atlest half a year ago, but then again so is alot of things. I dont think its the demand which drive it up though,cus even if the price went up abit the crafters still lose about 15-20K on NQ so its probly the price of the material that drives it up.