Perhaps it's just me.. but I really don't see the use for this on WAR... Especially with Hachiryu Hiadate and Warrior AF2 legs. This is more for DRG, THF and maybe DRK. I'm sure DRK also has something better than this. Mainly THF piece. If I am wrong please inform me of how...
It is a THF piece. Closest alternative is going to be either Oily Trousers, Enkidu's Subligar, or a Dragon Sublgar +1. Oily trousers have movement speed down, which is annoying, but you should be TPing in Homam or Skadi ideally so not much moving in them. For someone that's not THF main, Enkidu's subligar makes a good WS piece is ok for TPing in with the Store TP+5, while saving you an inventory spot.
Great for war for Raging rush/Rampage due to the crit hit mod on both. Especially if your an elvaan and your lacking in DEX. The atk+22 is also a great bonus to any ws and since synergy augs came out this can get STR and ACC to make it even better.