Well everyone seems to get rated down but I'll take a stab at the price differance.
According to the 2008 census there is about 2%(thats a big diff when humes dont even make up 30% total) more Hume Males over females. 2009 will be out soon. That being said from personal experience I have always notice female characters that are humes tend to be mage class. Just from my experience, But i know many that play both, and have no evidence to support it.
That being said the boots all drop from the same category with all having about an equal chance. More male chars make an increased demand. So that would obviously drive up the prices, cuz its not a extremly common drop. 30RSE is backwards for prices b/c more male chars to do the 30RSE quest then sell it(not based on drop %s of a BC). Bigger Supply of 30RSE less waiting to buy on AH.
Also these Boots are a great Melee piece (usually ws macro), and great for HP builds.
I dont get it, why the price dropped so much? it used to go for about 500k on Phoenix. At least i got mine for 200k :) but i still wonder why the low price
These are great for BLU, and have infinite uses. VIT and STR for Cannonball (The defense puts these slightly below Rutters), DEX and AGI for Sneak/Trick Attack, STR and DEX for Disseverment/Rip/Barrage, HP for Heat Breath. Well worth the investment.