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防61 STR+8 DEX+4 命中+8 攻+8 クリティカルヒット+2% コンビネーション:ヘイスト+5%
LV 78 戦 ナ 暗 獣 侍 竜
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情報 [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
在庫 4
落札率 Slow (0.405 件/日)
中央 70,000
キャラ一覧: [所有中] [装備中]
上限 100,000
下限 50,000
平均 80,000
ラスト 70,000
14 Hours 前70,000
21 Hours 前70,000
8 Days 前70,000
8 Days 前70,000
GilPrice History1/262/112/223/93/190k100k25k50k75k125kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
取引履歴 (25)
Mar. 28, 2025SizigiKintori70,000
Mar. 28, 2025HrrnnnngggStronkeh70,000
Mar. 20, 2025GarrusinPrincessjim70,000
Mar. 20, 2025YooseRndoo70,000
Mar. 19, 2025FiddlyhitzAnnatarr70,000
Mar. 15, 2025KelantineEmiliaton70,000
Mar. 14, 2025YuskeMikeneconya100,000
Mar. 13, 2025UncledonnyTinypooter50,000
Mar. 9, 2025SweetieoneMaila70,000
Mar. 9, 2025KittiecatArdbeg70,000
コメント (34)
Cerberus.Phyrefly[Report] スコア: 49
Anyone feel stupid yet for buying this for 2 mil?
2010-07-07 07:56:10
Diabolos.Gira[Report] スコア: 29
I went into Abyssea Tahrongi with 13 LS mates (4 of which only had 30 minutes worth and got booted early)

We farmed cruor for an hour and a half and we got 2.5k cruor each in our time there. It was most peoples first time so there was some exploring, BLU spell farming (which was bad cruor farming) and unlocking warp confluxes... and we STILL earned half the cruor for a body in 90 minutes...

If 3 hours of Abyssea is too much for you... then go ahead and buy this for 3mil... If you work hard for your gil, just go farm the cruor.

If you don't have the add-on... just buy the add-on; it's the first thing SE's done right in 3 years and it's really fun, and better than dumping 3mil on a body you could earn in 3 hours.
2010-06-28 12:11:01
Ragnarok.Marquiss[Report] スコア: 22
Anyone who pays more for this than a haub +1 should go kill themselves.
2010-07-03 02:11:34
Lakshmi.Glaciont[Report] スコア: 22
This is not worth 2mil >_>...

5000 cruor is nothing to get really if you think about it. 15-20 cruor per mob minimum.... that's 250 kills which can be easily done in a few hours ;o
2010-06-27 20:11:54
Ragnarok.Tuvae[Report] スコア: 20
The Perle gear is actually obtained from any of the Abbysea zones. Not just La thiene ^^
2010-06-22 03:10:28
Unicorn.Ghostknight[Report] スコア: 18
I don't understand why every "endgame" player thinks full Perle set is garbage. Just because Perle set is very easy to obtain doesn't mean its bad. Perhaps look at the stats of the full set, Perle is better than the Ares's/Homam/WalahraTurban set for TPing in that everyone goes crazy over.(For PLD/DRG/DRK) aside from WAR/SAM/BST that can easily get higher haste due to Byakko's Haidate.
Perle Hauberk set stats:
DEF+179 STR+22 DEX+14 VIT+10 Attack+25 Accuracy+18 Enmity+2 Haste+14% CritRate+2%
Ares's/Homam/WTurban set stats:
DEF+126 STR+12 DEX+0 VIT+12 Attack+24 Accuracy+13 Enmity+0
Haste+14% CritRate+0% HP/MP+107+3%
Refresh/1tic Fast Cast4%/2% Wyvern HP+50
Same Haste% More DEF/STR/DEX/Acc/Attack and 2 less VIT(Easily made up in the 53 DEF.)
For flat out gaining TP in Perle is BETTER. Homam's fastcast can be macrod in easily for spells and ninjutsu, along with Wyvern HP+ for Healing Breaths. Though I know everyone is going to say Ares's makes the set better due to refresh.
2010-08-29 00:20:20
Fenrir.Skarwind[Report] スコア: 13

I would like to say this may benefit Drakesbane more then Zahak's Mail On Stronger targets due to the attack/accuracy alone(The STR is close as well). Yes The DEX on Zahak's is greater for capping crit rate on GColibri but those days are about to be over.

You get near the same stats as a Hauby while still getting Zahak's Critical Hit Bonus.

Zahak's Mail is still a great piece in it's own right but don't be surprised if the price drops slightly when you see more of these around.

Looking at it this way it's like comparing Hauby to Kirin's Osode.
Well this Hauby still has some form of a Critical Hit Bonus. While losing 2 points of acc/ and 1 DEX while gaining 3 STR(makes up for the loss of 2 attack).

It's a clear winner in my book but maybe not by much.
2010-06-23 14:34:58
Asura.Viiju[Report] スコア: 13
LOL at everyone who paid 1.4m+ for this.
2010-07-15 03:16:01
Leviathan.Willoflame[Report] スコア: 11
Why are people selling their haubergeon (+1)s for this?
2010-07-11 12:07:55
Siren.Thoraeon[Report] スコア: 9
With STR, DEX, Acc, Atk, and Crit+2%, this is an amazing piece for Drakesbane.

It does not beat Zahak, but it provides a more obtainable alternative.
2010-06-23 13:29:31
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