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防7 STR+1 攻+10 飛攻+10
LV 61 戦 モ 赤 シ ナ 暗 獣 詩 狩 侍 忍 竜 青 コ 踊 RUN
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在庫 4
落札率 Slow (0.311 件/日)
中央 100,000
キャラ一覧: [所有中] [装備中]
上限 100,000
下限 80,000
平均 99,560
ラスト 100,000
1 Days 前100,000
1 Days 前100,000
2 Days 前100,000
5 Days 前100,000
GilPrice History1/11/112/83/53/170k100k25k50k75k125kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
取引履歴 (25)
Mar. 21, 2025GuapsSaaks100,000
Mar. 21, 2025BertrixGuaps100,000
Mar. 21, 2025NickylarsonDerrina100,000
Mar. 18, 2025NekomaiEvyllyve100,000
Mar. 17, 2025NekomaiTactique100,000
Mar. 17, 2025NekomaiAnyssa100,000
Mar. 15, 2025MulenenopeKeilaa100,000
Mar. 12, 2025MulenenopeZazazael100,000
Mar. 10, 2025JayssandymuleZoidburg100,000
Mar. 5, 2025GrddoMalaux100,000
コメント (6)
Fairy.Darkgoliath[Report] スコア: 14
Hitetsu is correct... you should not be considered gimp for having NQ version of this piece. it still offers alot of great stats and for the price is unheard of. i used this piece until i decided it was time for me to own a +1 version. never the less its a great piece to own. =D
2008-01-31 14:50:48
Lakshmi.Azeem[Report] スコア: 6
To add to Hitetsu's comment: If you can't afford the +1 of anything don't worry about it. Except for items you'll probably be using from x level-endgame and beyond, those top-dollar items are more of a luxury than anything unless you have money to burn. Sometimes that 10,000,000gil +1 piece of gear you've been farming for months to get may only add 4-5 points to your base damage and won't justify the time it took to get it, especially when the NQ does almost the exact same thing. If it's your first job you're leveling or you don't have a stable HNMls you can easily get by without all the "must haves" pretend to care about.
2008-09-14 23:27:07
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] スコア: -9
The HQ Amemet Mantle is like 90k on most servers.

Considering its benefits of +5 Attack, +5 Ratk, and +1STR over the NQ you have no excuse to buy a NQ Amemet.

If you don't have the gil, get a NQ, but don't suddenly think you're done farming and gimp your own damage output.

Its true, you shouldn't be called gimp, But in the end wouldn't you rather be proud of your armor?

Don't settle for anything less than perfection! Get the HQ, or Foragers! Make yourself proud of your character.

at the end of the day, the only person you have to answer to is yourself.

and wouldn't you like that answer to be: "Damn I'm good!"? I bet you do. Get your rear in gear and go farm! You can do it, and based on Hitetsu solutions it will definitely make your blist smaller =P
2010-06-25 20:09:17
Leviathan.Gengu 表示 スコア: -11
It's also barely worth it to even attempt the synth. You can be 40 levels beneath your skill level, but the chance to HQ is still less than 1/3rd? GG Squenix
2009-05-07 04:30:43
Bahamut.Worutaa 表示 スコア: -14
Tanners need to unite and put an end to 50k loss synths. Start NPC'ing the NQ when you try for HQ. Let the ones that are already out there circulate and eventually the price will go up.
2009-05-24 18:52:43
Sylph.Oprime 表示 スコア: -36
I really hope that dragonhope guy knows mnk can't use jaridah peti. And also that STR+1 and Att+5 won't have an effect unless you can stack STR to 5 and attack to 20.
2008-03-30 11:16:26
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